Sponsor and Candidate Instructions

The full instruction sheet can be downloaded HERE

The very first step in the new process begins with the club member/sponsor. As the sponsor, log in to your club account online. First, please ensure your profile has the “I will be sponsoring a scholarship applicant” checkbox selected! Ensure you have or are working on completing the adequate sponsor qualifier scans in both your qualifying and sponsoring years. You must have 6 events scans during your qualifying and sponsoring year with at least 3 being a monthly meeting, at the time of final application processing. The last available qualifying monthly meeting is the May meeting. You must also have been a dues paying member in good standing in both years. If you are a brand new member, your eligibility will not begin until your second year of membership.

Site Sponsor

The club website proudly sponsored by Tulsa Rig Iron

The Pipe Liners Club of Tulsa is dedicated to the advancement of pipeline engineering, maintenance, and operating practices for the benefit of members and the industry.

Here you can view upcoming events, create or update profile information, reserve your place for an event or dinner, and make payments.

Download Our App

Member Login

Membership for the 2024-2025 year will be available starting August 1 for both new members and membership renewals.

Upcoming Events
Sep 1 - Jul 15 2024-2025 Meeting and Event Dates (more...)
Jan 19 Membership Details Video (more...)
May 22 - Aug 14 2024-2025 Member Directory Ad Purchase Area (more...)
Jul 15 - 16 July 2024 Scholarship Award Meeting (more...)
Sep 27 2024 Fall Scholarship Sporting Clay Shoot (more...)
Dec 2 2024 Christmas Gala (more...)