Sponsor 2019 Fall Scholarship Golf Tournament

Monday September 30th at The Club at Indian Springs, Broken Arrow OK

A large part of what makes our golf tournaments such a success each year is our sponsors! There are many tournament sponsorship opportunities available once again.

If you are sponsoring for the first time or your logo has changed please send new logo art to golf@tulsapipeliners.org.

Our scholarship recipients thank you for your consideration in committing to a sponsorship level that is right for you.

Gold Sponsor - $2,000.00

As a Gold Sponsor you will be acknowledged at the tournament. Your company's name will be on the sponsorship board, which will be prominently displayed at the tournament. You will also be listed in the club newsletter, website and the membership directory. You can have a table and/or 10x10 tent (provided by you) to be set up at the cart staging area. If you choose not to set up a tent or table your company's name and logo will be placed on several signs displayed in prominent areas. In addition, your company will receive complimentary tournament entry for a 4-person team with 4 mulligans and 4 door prize tickets.

Silver Sponsor - $1,000.00

As a Silver Sponsor you will be acknowledged at the tournament. Your company's name and logo will be on the sponsorship board, which will be prominently displayed at the tournament. You will be listed in the club newsletter, website and the membership directory. Your company's name will be placed on several signs displayed in prominent areas.

Bronze Sponsor - $500.00

As a Bronze Sponsor you will be acknowledged at the tournament. Your company's name and logo will be on the sponsorship board, which will be prominently displayed at the tournament. You will be listed in the club newsletter and website. Your company's name will be placed on several signs displayed in prominent areas.

Drink Hole Sponsor - $650.00

As a drink hole sponsor you will have 1-2 company representatives on a hole. At this hole you can bring a 10x10 tent (provided by you). With this cost, you will be able to bring in ONLY beer, water, pop, sports drinks at your own expense. You will be acknowledged at the tournament. You will be listed in the club newsletter and website. Your company's name will be placed on a sign which will be placed on the hole (if desired, or you can place your own banner at the tent/hole).

Contest Hole Sponsor - $400.00 + Minimum prize value $75

As a contest hole sponsor you will have 1-2 company representatives on a hole to monitor sportsmanship. You will be required to provide contest prizes with suggested value of at least $75. At this hole you can bring a 10x10 tent (provided by you). You will be listed in the club newsletter and website. Your company's name will be placed on a sign which will be placed on the hole (if desired, or you can place your own banner at the tent/hole). This hole will be dedicated to your sponsorship and no other company signs will be located here. Contest holes to consist of Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Curvy Line, Bulls-eye, etc.

Hole Sponsor - $200.00

As a hole sponsor your company's name will be placed on a sign set near the tee box.

Door Prize Sponsor - Donate Gift(s) Collectively Over $250 or Donate $250

As a prize sponsor you will be acknowledged at the tournament during the awards ceremony. Your company's name and logo will be placed on a sign near prize tables.

Please ensure you are logged in to your account before attempting to register!

Thank you in advance for supporting this great cause!

If you have any questions please contact Shawn Lowman at golf@tulsapipeliners.org

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The Pipe Liners Club of Tulsa is dedicated to the advancement of pipeline engineering, maintenance, and operating practices for the benefit of members and the industry.

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